Building peace through new approaches to security and governance

Working for a world in which the needs of our planet are central to peace and security, leaders are guided by the wisdom of the people and places they serve, and the potential for violent conflict is transformed through responsible governance.



We live in a time of significant change, in which many of our systems are no longer serving us. To catalyze transformation, it is essential to demonstrate what the future can look like, rather than simply fixing what exists today. This is why I offer services which support a new alignment of governance and security with the needs of both people and planet, and the development of new approaches for building sustainable peace.




Designing and implementing projects at the intersection of security, governance and the environment.


Creating space for organizations to explore new ideas, solve complex problems and synthesize diverse views.


Conversations and collaboration shaping the future of governance and diplomacy.



Governance must evolve to be in service of both human beings and the natural world. It is time to rethink what governments at all levels prioritize and value. 

Moving into a more harmonious relationship with our planet is key to addressing the complex and interrelated challenges we face today. 

Transformation comes from people and communities thinking, speaking and acting for themselves, in alignment with their natural environment. 

Offering others space and respect is essential; we don’t have to look far to see the consequences of imposing our will on one another and nature. 

We are all connected; what happens to someone on the other side of the world is just as important as what happens to us. 

We live and work in systems of systems; fostering sustainable peace and development requires a willingness to transform political and economic systems which promote conflict and extraction.